The Spanish Constitutional Court ruled on the passing of the Solidarity Tax through an amendment to the Act 38/2022, of 27 December, in its Judgement no. 149/2023. In this comment, the merits of the ruling shall be analyzed according to the previous case-law of the Court, to which it adds a new and less clear criterion to define the scope of the right of amendment. Moreover, the conspicuous fact that the Tax was proposed and passed by the Government by means of its parliamentary groups, serves as a cornerstone to the applicable perception of the right of amendment, which, until now, has been considered mainly a right of the backbenchers. New reflections upon the right of amendment and, in general, the legislative procedure in the Spanish parliamentary system are therefore expected to be sparked sooner than later after the issuing of this judgement.
Arce Janáriz, A. (1994). El derecho de enmienda visto por el Tribunal Constitucional. Revista española de derecho constitucional, 41, 151-172.
Del Pino Carazo, A. (2016). Del tránsito de un concepto formal a un concepto material de enmienda en el procedimiento legislativo, ¿una cuestión zanjada? En F. Rubio Llorente, J. Jiménez Campo, J. J. Solozábal Echevarría, P. Biglino Campos y A. Gómez Montoro (Coords.). La constitución política de España. Estudios en homenaje a Manuel Aragón Reyes (pp. 223-239). Madrid: Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales.
Ortega Santiago, C. (2023). Notas de futuro sobre el derecho de enmienda, el procedimiento legislativo y su posible suspensión cautelar en el recurso de amparo parlamentario, a la luz del Auto 177/2022 del Tribunal Constitucional. Revista General de Derecho Constitucional, 38, 39-58.
Pérez Serrano, N. (1984). Tratado de derecho político. Madrid: Civitas, 2.ª ed.
Varona Alabern, J. E. y Arranz de Andrés, C. (2023). Análisis crítico del impuesto temporal de solidaridad de las grandes fortunas (ITSGF). Nueva Fiscalidad, 1, 23-55.
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