This study aims to understand the recently adopted Regulation (EU) on transparency and targeting of political advertising. To do so, the circumstances of the Regulation is first analysed, and then its consequences on the dissemination of disinformation are studied. In order to understand these circumstances, we examine what online political advertising is, what it is used for and what its relationship to disinformation is, mostly through the social science academy. Once the object of the Regulation has been decided, a brief review is made of the legal framework in force to date, which makes it possible to identify possible shortcomings. Once the circumstances of the Regulation have been established, the article moves on to its content with the intention of offering a general image of the regulatory text, examining its most relevant measures. Finally, an assessment is made of the measures analysed in order to determine to what extent they reduce the phenomenon of misinformation initially analysed. After all the research, it is concluded that the Regulation succeeds in addressing the problems initially raised and the shortcomings of the regulations currently in force. Moreover, in line with the constitutional doctrine to date, it achieves this objective without controlling its contents. Finally, it is noted that the Regulation reinforces political communication through the community, highlighting the impact this may have on increasing misinformation.
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